Hi, I love What I do
Meredith Jurek
Founder, Chief Articulator
With more than 25 years of strategic marketing and business leadership under her belt - Meredith has turned her passion for influencing audiences, driving organizational change and effective storytelling into her full time focus. Meredith calls on her experience as a former CMO (Anytime Fitness), VP Marketing (Regis Corporation / Supercuts), and leadership roles at Best Buy Corporation to guide clients' strategic messaging to both internal and external audiences.
Meredith earned an MBA from the Carlson School at the University of Minnesota a long time ago. In addition to herding three active kids aged 11-16, she owns a mountain bike resort outside Crosby, MN with her husband Dan. She relishes coffee, showtunes and her Peloton.
We were born writers and problem solvers. We became English majors but 'sold out' to work in PR, and advertising. Next we joined the ranks of ambitious peers to accelerate our ascent and marched in unison to B-School. We learned important things. But even back then we noticed we were a little different. While classmates fussed over financial models, we got the job to prepare and sell in the work. Professors found us 'refreshing'. We were good.
We got grown up jobs in big corporations. We wrote decks. A lot of decks. Our bosses liked our decks. They even promoted us so we could write more of their decks. We were loved.
We got promoted. With bigger challenges, bigger initiatives, bigger audiences. We were effective because we could communicate, connect, inspire and align. We were invigorated.

Then we got into big time jobs where our days were filled with meetings. We went to meetings about meetings. So many meetings. We had less time to do the work we loved. We found ways to squeeze it in at night and on the weekends, because it had to be done. But we were tired.
We missed the good ole days. We missed uninterrupted thinking. We missed the 'aha!' moment when we cracked the code on explaining the inexplicable. We missed the excitement on people's faces when they understood our story. We sighed.

Then one day, someone called us for help. We didn't even work there.
"Can you help us write our story?" they asked. We paused.
"Yes! Yes we can!"
Because we are born writers and problem solvers. And that's what we do.
It made us happy.